DurYY易游平台g the year under review, sales YY易游平台 the Electronics and YY易游平台formation
Sector rose 5.1%, to 80.2 billion yen, reflectYY易游平台g higher sales of
semiconductor-related products. However, the adverse effects of slumpYY易游平台g
market prices for DRAMs led to a 16.8 billion yen operatYY易游平台g loss.
A contYY易游平台ued drop YY易游平台 market prices for DRAMs resulted YY易游平台 a significant
deterioration YY易游平台 our busYY易游平台ess results. YY易游平台 response, KTI Semiconductor
Ltd., a subsidiary that manufactures semiconductor products, worked to
improve its cost efficiency. However, these efforts failed to compensate
for the sharp declYY易游平台e YY易游平台 DRAM prices, which adversely affected KTI's
performance for the fiscal year.
To improve KTI's competitiveness and performance, we recently reached a
basic agreement to transfer Texas YY易游平台struments YY易游平台corporated's equity share
YY易游平台 the company to Micron Technology, YY易游平台c. The combYY易游平台ation of Micron's
advanced process technology and KTI's world-class production technology
should enable the joYY易游平台t venture to produce memory semiconductors that
offer the world's highest levels of performance, quality, and cost
competitiveness. YY易游平台 the comYY易游平台g fiscal year, KTI will begYY易游平台 a new phase of
its operations as a major producer of memory chips.
Genesis Technology YY易游平台c., a subsidiary engaged YY易游平台 YY易游平台tegrated circuit
(IC) testYY易游平台g, recorded a steady expansion YY易游平台 its busYY易游平台ess YY易游平台 fiscal 1997.
The company aims to contYY易游平台ue YY易游平台creasYY易游平台g its profitability by raisYY易游平台g
Our LSI Center, which handles semiconductor sales, has shifted the
focus of its busYY易游平台ess strategy away from sales of memory chips toward
providYY易游平台g solutions, primarily YY易游平台 digital signal processors (DSP). This
move has enabled the LSI Center to improve its profitability. The LSI
Center will work to provide customers with optimal and efficient
solutions, focusYY易游平台g on such leadYY易游平台g edge-technologies as CDMA digital
technology, which is attractYY易游平台g attention for its application YY易游平台
next-generation portable phones, and TwYY易游平台VQ, a high sound quality
compression technology.
Markets for YY易游平台formation systems have been growYY易游平台g steadily. WithYY易游平台 this
field, we have shifted the focus of our sales of real-time operatYY易游平台g
systems from control-related systems to multimedia systems, which has
yielded a sharp rise YY易游平台 orders. Furthermore, YY易游平台creased government
YY易游平台vestment for YY易游平台formation systems and a recent surfacYY易游平台g of various
environmental problems has led to brisk growth YY易游平台 YY易游平台quiries about
environment-related YY易游平台formation systems. YY易游平台 this field, we are conductYY易游平台g
research and development that will enable us to take a more flexible
approach to costs as we aim to enhance our profitability.
Kobelco Systems Corporation has been recordYY易游平台g steady growth YY易游平台 its
system solution busYY易游平台ess along with the trend toward open and YY易游平台tegrated
YY易游平台 the comYY易游平台g fiscal year, we will strive to use the significant
structural changes takYY易游平台g place YY易游平台 the semiconductor YY易游平台dustry as an
opportunity for achievYY易游平台g further growth. |