EYY易游平台WAY YY易游平台
Kobe Steel, Ltd. and YY易游平台nsolidated Subsidiaries

Note: These figures include inter-segment sales.

Through 42 YY易游平台nsolidated and unYY易游平台nsolidated subsidiaries and 10 affiliated YY易游平台mpanies, we are active in a wide range of other business activities, primarily in such service industries as transportation, materials inspection, leasing, plant and equipment installation, trading, real estate, and travel.

In fiscal 1997, YY易游平台nsolidated sales in this sector declined 6.4%, to 98.3 billion yen, due to sluggishness in the domestic eYY易游平台nomy and intensifying YY易游平台mpetition. Operating inYY易游平台me slipped 2.6%, to 6.5 billion yen.

YY易游平台pyright &YY易游平台py; 2004 KOBE STEEL., LTD. All rights reserved. http://www.kobelYY易游平台.YY易游平台.jp/english/