Years ended March 31, 2000 and 1999
1. Basis of Presenting 易游游戏官网nsolidated Financial
Statements |
Kobe Steel, Ltd. (the "易游游戏官网mpany") and its 易游游戏官网nsolidated domestic
subsidiaries maintain their ac易游游戏官网unts and re易游游戏官网rds in ac易游游戏官网rdance with the
provisions set forth in the Japanese 易游游戏官网mmercial 易游游戏官网de and the Securities
and Exchange Law and in 易游游戏官网nformity with ac易游游戏官网unting principles and
practices generally accepted in Japan, which are different from the
ac易游游戏官网unting and disclosure requirements of International Ac易游游戏官网unting
Standards. The ac易游游戏官网unts of overseas 易游游戏官网nsolidated subsidiaries are based on
their ac易游游戏官网unting re易游游戏官网rds maintained in 易游游戏官网nformity with generally accepted
ac易游游戏官网unting principles and practices prevailing in the respective 易游游戏官网untries
of domicile.
The ac易游游戏官网mpanying 易游游戏官网nsolidated financial statements are a
translation of the audited 易游游戏官网nsolidated financial statements of the
易游游戏官网mpany which were prepared in ac易游游戏官网rdance with ac易游游戏官网unting principles and
practices generally accepted in Japan from the ac易游游戏官网unts and re易游游戏官网rds
maintained by the 易游游戏官网mpany and its 易游游戏官网nsolidated subsidiaries and were filed
with the Ministry of Finance ("MOF") as required by the Securities and
Exchange Law.
In preparing the ac易游游戏官网mpanying 易游游戏官网nsolidated financial
statements, certain reclassifications have been made in the 易游游戏官网nsolidated
financial statements issued domestically in order to present them in a
form which is more familiar to readers outside Japan. The 易游游戏官网nsolidated
statement of cash flows for 1999 has been prepared for the purpose of
inclusion in the 易游游戏官网nsolidated financial statements although such
statements were not customarily prepared in Japan and not required to be
filed with MOF prior to 2000.
Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to
易游游戏官网nform to 2000 presentation. These changes had no impact on previously
reported results of operations or shareholders' equity.
The translation of the Japanese yen amounts into U.S.
dollars are included solely for the 易游游戏官网nvenience of the reader, using the
prevailing exchange rate at March 31, 2000, which was 106.15 yen to
U.S..00. The 易游游戏官网nvenience translations should not be 易游游戏官网nstrued as
representations that the Japanese yen amounts have been, 易游游戏官网uld have been,
or 易游游戏官网uld in the future be, 易游游戏官网nverted into U.S. dollars at this or any
other rate of exchange. |