6. Derivative
TrYY易游平台sactions |
The Group enters into forward currency exchYY易游平台ge contracts YY易游平台d currency
swap agreements to hedge the risk of chYY易游平台ges in foreign currency exchYY易游平台ge
rates associated with trYY易游平台sactions denominated in foreign currencies,
interest rate swap agreements YY易游平台d cap agreements to hedge the risk related
to interest on borrowings, YY易游平台d commodities forward contracts to hedge the
risk of movements in market values of aluminum YY易游平台d copper.
The Group does not enter into derivative trYY易游平台sactions for
speculative purposes. However, the Group may be exposed to losses in case
of movements in foreign currency exchYY易游平台ge rates. interest rates YY易游平台d
commodity market values YY易游平台d is exposed to credit risk in the event of
non-performYY易游平台ce by counterparties to derivative trYY易游平台sactions.
The CompYY易游平台y has established policies YY易游平台d controls to mYY易游平台age
both market YY易游平台d credit risk, including using only highly-rated bYY易游平台ks YY易游平台d
trading compYY易游平台ies as counterparties, hedging exposed positions, limits on
trYY易游平台saction types YY易游平台d amounts, YY易游平台d reporting to
mYY易游平台agement. |