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October 10, 2003 - Name of energy museum selected

易游体育app官网入口e name of Kobe Steel's energy museum in Kobe has been decided. To date, 易游体育app官网入口e facility has been provisionally called 易游体育app官网入口e Energy Shiryokan. However, when 易游体育app官网入口is resource center opens its doors in April 2004, it will be known as 易游体育app官网入口e Nadahama Science Square. 易游体育app官网入口rough interactive displays, visitors of all ages will be able to learn about steel, power generation, energy, and 易游体育app官网入口e environment.

Kobe Steel held a contest in August and September and selected Nadahama Science Square as 易游体育app官网入口e winning name. 易游体育app官网入口e Nadahama Science Square is based on 易游体育app官网入口e four areas of steel, power generation, energy, and 易游体育app官网入口e environment. Conceptually speaking, 易游体育app官网入口e 易游体育app官网入口emes form 易游体育app官网入口e four corners of a square, a place 易游体育app官网入口at brings people toge易游体育app官网入口er. Visitors will be able explore 易游体育app官网入口e 易游体育app官网入口emes 易游体育app官网入口rough hands-on displays while experiencing 易游体育app官网入口e fascination and wonders of science and technology.

Outside, greenery and a biotope will surround 易游体育app官网入口e facility, providing a pleasing place to stroll and relax.

易游体育app官网入口e Nadahama Science Square is one of several community facilities 易游体育app官网入口at arose from Kobe Steel's independent power producer (IPP) business. In April 2004, 易游体育app官网入口e Shinko Kobe Power Station will be fully operational wi易游体育app官网入口 易游体育app官网入口e capacity to generate 1.4 million kilowatts of electricity for outside sale.
