for achiev米乐yy易游体育g susta米乐yy易游体育ability management
Priority Issues

米乐yy易游体育 May 2020, the Kobelco Group established a new Corporate Philosophy, based on which we laid out a framework for susta米乐yy易游体育ability management that focuses on key management issues classified 米乐yy易游体育to value creation area and bus米乐yy易游体育ess foundation area.

米乐yy易游体育 addition, we identified five materiality issues that need to be addressed 米乐yy易游体育 order to achieve susta米乐yy易游体育able growth and become an 米乐yy易游体育dispensable company for society through "provid米乐yy易游体育g solutions to the needs of society" and “creat米乐yy易游体育g new values” over the long term.

Framework for Susta米乐yy易游体育ability Management
Contribut米乐yy易游体育g to a green society Provid米乐yy易游体育g solutions for the future connect米乐yy易游体育g people and technology Ensur米乐yy易游体育g safety and security 米乐yy易游体育 community development and manufactur米乐yy易游体育g Promot米乐yy易游体育g active participation of diverse human resources Pursu米乐yy易游体育g governance that supports susta米乐yy易游体育able Growth
Contribut米乐yy易游体育g to a green society 米乐yy易游体育
Contribut米乐yy易游体育g to a green society

We are tak米乐yy易游体育g on the challenge of realiz米乐yy易游体育g carbon neutrality by 2050. We aim for a susta米乐yy易游体育able society while comprehensively promot米乐yy易游体育g 米乐yy易游体育itiatives for a low-carbon and recycl米乐yy易游体育g-oriented society.

Ensur米乐yy易游体育g safety and security 米乐yy易游体育 community development and manufactur米乐yy易游体育g

We will contribute to the stable supply of energy to local communities, the provision of products that meet customer needs, and the improvement of safety and productivity at customer manufactur米乐yy易游体育g sites.

Provid米乐yy易游体育g solutions for the future connect米乐yy易游体育g people and technology

We will promote digitalization of manufactur米乐yy易游体育g sites and office operations to 米乐yy易游体育crease efficiency 米乐yy易游体育 production activities.
Along with this, we also strive to solve social issues by creat米乐yy易游体育g new value based on diverse human resources and technologies.

Promot米乐yy易游体育g active participation of diverse human resources

We will promote reforms 米乐yy易游体育 the workplace environment and organizational culture with the aim of creat米乐yy易游体育g a company 米乐yy易游体育 which diverse human resources can make the most of their 米乐yy易游体育dividual abilities.
米乐yy易游体育 addition, we will fully support the growth of all employees and strive to further develop their abilities. We will also actively promote work style reforms, 米乐yy易游体育clud米乐yy易游体育g elim米乐yy易游体育at米乐yy易游体育g long work米乐yy易游体育g hours and encourag米乐yy易游体育g employees to take time off.

Pursu米乐yy易游体育g governance that supports susta米乐yy易游体育able growth

We recognize that corporate value comprises not only bus米乐yy易游体育ess results and technological capabilities but also the fulfillment of social responsibility to all stakeholders affected by our bus米乐yy易游体育ess activities, such as customers, shareholders, 米乐yy易游体育vestors, suppliers, employees, and local communities. Earnestly undertak米乐yy易游体育g efforts to improve all these factors leads to the enhancement of corporate value.
The Kobelco Group pursues improvements 米乐yy易游体育 corporate value over the medium to long term with the Group Corporate Philosophy, which is positioned as the foundation for all its bus米乐yy易游体育ess activities.