易游体育app官网入口, Ltd.
易游体育app官网入口, Ltd. has decided to propose to its customers an increase in the roll margin of its aluminum rolled products.
易游体育app官网入口 will explain the reason for the revision to its customers and aims to gain their understanding.
Revising the roll margin will enable 易游体育app官网入口 to provide a stable supply of high-quality products.
Various additional costs, such as higher transportation costs, have arisen, while energy costs for electricity continue to increase, and 易游体育app官网入口ices for secondary packaging materials and secondary raw materials have soared.
On the other hand, despite 易游体育app官网入口’s ongoing efforts to reduce costs, it is difficult for the company to absorb all cost increases through internal efforts alone.
易游体育app官网入口 realizes that maintaining its production facilities and R&D system are the two most important issues to ensure a stable supply of high-quality products that satisfy customers in a timely manner and in the future. To this end, it is necessary to make investments in upgrading and improving production systems and facilities.
Aiming to contribute to the further growth of its customers, 易游体育app官网入口 seeks their understanding and cooperation for the price revision.
(Note) The information on this web site is 易游体育app官网入口esented "as is." 易游体育app官网入口oduct availability, organization, and other content may differ from the time the information was originally posted. Changes may take place without notice.