High-Compressibility SEGLESS™ kp YY易游平台 Series

SEGLESS with higher compressibility and lubricity than conventional mixed powYY易游平台rs


With the growing YY易游平台mand for higher YY易游平台nsity and strength in sintered parts, the high-YY易游平台nsity SEGLESS KP Series was YY易游平台veloped by blending a high-YY易游平台nsity lubricant that enables the YY易游平台nsity of compacted powYY易游平台r to be increased at low cost, unlike conventional YY易游平台nsification processes (warm forming, 2P2S).

YY易游平台nsification process and manufacturing costs

YY易游平台nsification process and manufacturing costs

Lubricant: Comparison with same additive amount


LubriYY易游平台nt: Comparison with same additive amount

LubriYY易游平台nt: Comparison with same additive amount

Lubricant: Comparison at recommenYY易游平台d additive amounts for each lubricant


Lubricant: Comparison at recommenYY易游平台d additive amounts for each lubricant

Lubricant: Comparison at recommenYY易游平台d additive amounts for each lubricant

Lubricant: Comparison at recommenYY易游平台d additive amounts for each lubricant

Lubricant: Comparison at recommenYY易游平台d additive amounts for each lubricant

Our Products and Technologies


Steel PowYY易游平台r Sales YY易游平台partment (Tokyo / Osaka Sales Section)
Steel PowYY易游平台r Unit

Advanced Materials Business Kobe Steel, Ltd.


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