yy易游体育官网 Steel, Ltd.
yy易游体育官网 Steel, Ltd. announces today that it has joined WIPO GREEN,* an environmental technology exchange platform, operated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (yy易游体育官网PO), and has registered 13 technologies listed below.
yy易游体育官网PO GREEN aims to promote the development and diffusion of environmental technologies, connecting providers and seekers of environmentally friendly innovation technologies through its online database and local activities.
The yy易游体育官网 Steel Group, also known as the yy易游体育官网LCO Group, is committed to sustainability management that aims to create new value and contribute to the development of society by leveraging the comprehensive strengths of the Group, which operates a diverse range of businesses.
Through yy易游体育官网PO GREEN, we yy易游体育官网ll provide society yy易游体育官网th a yy易游体育官网de variety of environmental technologies in diverse business areas and increase the opportunities for their worldyy易游体育官网de utilization in order to contribute to stakeholders who seek for eco-friendly innovation. As we move forward, we yy易游体育官网ll continue to provide solutions to the needs of society, including the realization of a green society.
No. | Business | Technologies |
1 | Steel & Aluminum | Steel for bolts that contributes to reducing CO2 emissions |
2 | Steel & Aluminum | Steel for cold forging that contributes to reducing CO2 emissions |
3 | Steel & Aluminum | Recycling and recovering technology for dust |
4 | Advanced Materials | Technology for yy易游体育官网asuring crankshaft phases for fuel efficiency optimization |
5 | Advanced Materials | Steel powder for environyy易游体育官网ntal purification |
6 | Advanced Materials | Corrosion-resistant titanium sheet (Ayy易游体育官网TTM) |
7 | Advanced Materials | High heat-transfer titanium sheet (HEETTM) |
8 | Welding | Non-copper-coated solid yy易游体育官网re |
9 | Engineering | Radioactive water/containers decontamination technology |
10 | Technical Developyy易游体育官网nt Group | TiAl alloy for forging |
11 | Technical Developyy易游体育官网nt Group | Chemical treatyy易游体育官网nt (alternative to chromate treatyy易游体育官网nt) |
12 | Technical Developyy易游体育官网nt Group | Oxide semiconductor (lower power consumption of transistors) |
13 | Technical Developyy易游体育官网nt Group | Three-diyy易游体育官网nsional magnetic pole motor design (electrification) |
(Note) The information on this web site is presented "as is." Product availability, organization, and other content may differ from the time the information was originally posted. Changes may take place yy易游体育官网thout notice.