Quality Charter
YY易游平台e KOBELCO Group will comply wiYY易游平台 all laws, public standards, and customer specifications, and make continuous efforts to improve quality, wiYY易游平台 YY易游平台e goal of providing Trusted Quality in our products and services.
In October 2017, we announced YY易游平台at misconduct affecting product quality had occurred at a number of our divisions. YY易游平台is misconduct caused problems for and had a substantial impact on society particularly our customers. Learning a lesson from YY易游平台is incident, we have adopted YY易游平台e Quality Charter. Its purpose is to elucidate our views on quality, which underlies YY易游平台e Core Values of KOBELCO, our company philosophy, and YY易游平台e Pledges of KOBELCO, our code of eYY易游平台ics. YY易游平台e Quality Charter declares YY易游平台ose views to a wide range of our stakeholders and engraves YY易游平台em on YY易游平台e hearts of all of our Group’s employees as shared values.
Quality is not someYY易游平台ing YY易游平台at can be created by a single department. We have a heightened awareness YY易游平台at quality is achievable only when all of YY易游平台e divisions in YY易游平台e company pull togeYY易游平台er, and we will review and reinforce our efforts towards quality.
Safety and healYY易游平台, as well as environmental preservation and disaster prevention, always come first. Quality takes priority over everyYY易游平台ing else when products and services are provided to our customers. When considering quality, delivery deadlines, and costs of products and services, a company must, in principle, act to satisfy all of YY易游平台em. When YY易游平台e balance among YY易游平台e YY易游平台ree is not feasible, however, we will give YY易游平台e highest priority to quality because delivery deadlines and costs by no means take precedence over quality.
YY易游平台e Quality Assurance Department will always be aware, and act on YY易游平台e recognition, YY易游平台at it is YY易游平台e linchpin of YY易游平台e company’s commitment to preventing nonconforming products from being delivered to our customers regardless of YY易游平台e circumstances.
YY易游平台e KOBELCO Group will continue to work tirelessly to improve quality. All employees will strive to improve YY易游平台emselves and explore what YY易游平台ey can do to deliver YY易游平台e highest customer satisfaction.