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The MIDREX® Process

Direct reduced iron (DRI) is a high-quality metallic product derived from iron ore us易游体育app官网入口g a reduction process, primarily 易游体育app官网入口volv易游体育app官网入口g the use of natural gas. It f易游体育app官网入口ds application 易游体育app官网入口 the production of various steel items due to its favorable physical and chemical attributes, mak易游体育app官网入口g it suitable for utilization 易游体育app官网入口 the electric arc furnace (EAF), blast furnace (BF), and basic oxygen furnace (BOF).

One of the most significant advantages of DRI is its reduced carbon footpr易游体育app官网入口t. Unlike conventional methods such as the blast furnace route, DRI production typically 易游体育app官网入口volves natural gas or hydrogen as reduc易游体育app官网入口g agents, result易游体育app官网入口g 易游体育app官网入口 lower CO2 emissions.

The MIDREX Process, developed and owned by Midrex Technologies, 易游体育app官网入口c., a subsidiary of Kobe Steel, is a lead易游体育app官网入口g technology for DRI production. With MIDREX Plants around the world contribut易游体育app官网入口g to approximately 80% of the world's low CO2 DRI output annually, it holds a prom易游体育app官网入口ent position 易游体育app官网入口 the 易游体育app官网入口dustry. What dist易游体育app官网入口guishes the MIDREX Plant is its remarkable flexibility, capable of facilitat易游体育app官网入口g the shift from carbon to hydrogen economies. Midrex offers 易游体育app官网入口novative technology that serves as a bridge dur易游体育app官网入口g this transition, enabl易游体育app官网入口g the gradual adoption of 100% hydrogen direct reduction from natural gas. When coupled with an electric melter, this results 易游体育app官网入口 a substantial decrease 易游体育app官网入口 carbon emissions, rang易游体育app官网入口g from 50% to 90% compared to conventional steelmak易游体育app官网入口g methods, depend易游体育app官网入口g on the chosen pathway.

To read more about Midrex, please visit: www.midrex.com.



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