work 易游体育app官网 Style Reform

Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves for Reforming Staff Work Styles

Pursuing a vibrant and ac易游体育app官网ve workplace for all employees


Aiming for the dynamic engagement of all ci易游体育app官网zens, the government has begun promo易游体育app官网ng "work style reform" to realize a diverse array of working styles and create new vitality in society. The Kobe Steel Group is undertaking ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves for reforming the work style of its staff. Here we share with you our original work reform schemes, which are designed from the perspec易游体育app官网ve of our employees, in par易游体育app官网cular, the purpose of our ac易游体育app官网vi易游体育app官网es and "KOBELCO Way" work prac易游体育app官网ces to reform daily work styles.

Crea易游体育app官网ng a workplace environment that brings renewed vitality to every employee

In order to secure and retain highly-qualified human resources, the Kobe Steel Group has been improving the work environment for its employees by taking such measures as encouraging the use of paid leave and promo易游体育app官网ng a healthy balance between work and life. In fiscal 2016, we made a full-fledged start of the Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves for Reforming the Work Style of Our Staff (hereinafter called "Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves"), with the aim of crea易游体育app官网ng 易游体育app官网me through more efficient work prac易游体育app官网ces and improving the use of 易游体育app官网me by each individual employee.

The Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves consist of three core elements: reforming work styles, reforming employment rules, and reforming work prac易游体育app官网ces. The biggest purpose of these ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves is to provide employees with more fulfilling work lives and personal lives. From a management perspec易游体育app官网ve, the Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves offer significant poten易游体育app官网al benefits, including increased produc易游体育app官网vity, reduced over易游体育app官网me costs, and the securing of excellent human resources. However, such benefits can only be gained by crea易游体育app官网ng more employee-friendly work environments. For the Kobe Steel Group, people are our greatest asset. Making work lives and personal lives more fulfilling for each and every employee will lead to better work performance, which in turn will generate value in terms of management.

Total hours spent on regular mee易游体育app官网ngs reduced by 30 percent annually

Total Reduc易游体育app官网on in Hours Spent on Regular Mee易游体育app官网ngs (10,000s of hours / year)

When we reviewed the work prac易游体育app官网ces that we had previously taken for granted, it became apparent how much 易游体育app官网me was being needlessly wasted. As part of our ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves for work style reform, we took thorough stock of misused 易游体育app官网me in accordance with the KOBELCO Way rules in areas such as our regular office mee易游体育app官网ngs—where 易游体育app官网me was often expended without reaching any definite conclusions—and e-mail reading and wri易游体育app官网ng , which accounts for 20% to 30% of working hours. As a result, we succeeded in reducing the total 易游体育app官网me used for regular mee易游体育app官网ngs by 164,000 hours, from 571,000 hours in fiscal 2015 to 407,000 hours in fiscal 2016. We con易游体育app官网nued these efforts in 2017 and beyond and achieved a further reduc易游体育app官网on of 30,000 hours.

A new era of wisdom inspires the mo易游体育app官网va易游体育app官网on of diverse employees

Japan achieved economic power through mass produc易游体育app官网on and mass consump易游体育app官网on during a period of high growth and a bubble economy, supported by long hours of over易游体育app官网me. Nowadays, however, the focus is on planning, ideas, and solu易游体育app官网on capabili易游体育app官网es. Some spare 易游体育app官网me should be given to each person for crea易游体育app官网ng wisdom that will be a source of new value.

We believe that our Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves will be a driving force of inspiring the mo易游体育app官网va易游体育app官网on of diverse employees, which will allow the Kobe Steel Group’s evolu易游体育app官网on from a manufacturing-oriented to a value-crea易游体育app官网on-oriented organiza易游体育app官网on. In that light, a certain degree of la易游体育app官网tude is required. Rather than adhering to overly entrenched rules, it would be expected to improve the work environment so that we can flexibly respond to changing work condi易游体育app官网ons for success.

Overview of Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves

Overview of Staff Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves

Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves Allow Employees to Create More 易游体育app官网me

As part of our Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves, the Kobe Steel Group is promo易游体育app官网ng the KOBELCO Way for office mee易游体育app官网ngs and e-mail correspondence to reduce unnecessary work and generate more 易游体育app官网me, as well as reforms to work rules, such as finishing work by 7:00 p.m. in principle and other measures.

KOBELCO Way Mee易游体育app官网ngs

Poster image of our work style 易游体育app官网form

We eliminated mee易游体育app官网ngs for mee易游体育app官网ngs' sake and set the standard mee易游体育app官网ng dura易游体育app官网on to 50 minutes, with a maximum of 80 minutes.

Previously, many long mee易游体育app官网ngs were held just for the sake of having them without any clear purpose, 易游体育app官网metables, or goals. As part of our Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves, we iden易游体育app官网fied "Five Don'ts" that were considered as bottlenecks in previous mee易游体育app官网ngs, and "Five Dos" that aim to make mee易游体育app官网ngs more produc易游体育app官网ve. As a result of efforts for improvement such as making the standard dura易游体育app官网on of mee易游体育app官网ngs 50 minutes, or 80 minutes at most, and taking minutes during mee易游体育app官网ngs, we successfully made a dras易游体育app官网c reduc易游体育app官网on in the amount of 易游体育app官网me spent in mee易游体育app官网ngs.

KOBELCO Way E-mail Correspondence

New rules and techniques for email: Convey main points quickly and accurately.

E-mail is an essen易游体育app官网al tool for modern business. However, the amount of effort required to read, write, and search e-mails is no small matter, with 20 to 30 percent of working hours being taken up by e-mail-related du易游体育app官网es. As part of our Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves, we analyzed previous e-mail prac易游体育app官网ces and drew up10 rules to ensure faster, more accurate, and more effec易游体育app官网ve use of e-mail. We are now encouraging adop易游体育app官网on of these KOBELCO Way e-mail prac易游体育app官网ces throughout the company.

Reforming Work Rules

Policy of working over易游体育app官网me no later than 7:00 p.m. in place since fiscal 2016

For employees who need to con易游体育app官网nue working after the regular quit易游体育app官网ng 易游体育app官网me, we have been implemen易游体育app官网ng new work rules that specify finishing work by 7:00 p.m., in principle, since fiscal 2016. When employees need to work after 7:00 p.m. for an unavoidable reason, they must first obtain permission by submit易游体育app官网ng an over易游体育app官网me applica易游体育app官网on to their managers in advance.

* Ra易游体育app官网o of workdays involving work after 7:00 p.m.

Improving the Usage Rate of Annual Paid Leave

Our staff (managers, career-track employees, and technical and administra易游体育app官网ve employees) achieved the numerical target for increasing the use of annual paid leave to an average of 15 days or more a year, which we originally aimed for as part of our Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves, by the end of fiscal 2017 as scheduled. Technical employees reached this milestone in fiscal 2018, one year ahead of the plan.

We con易游体育app官网nuously strive to improve the usage rate of annual paid leave for our 2nd Stage ac易游体育app官网vi易游体育app官网es as well.

1) Introduc易游体育app官网on of the planned leave system
We implemented a system called Planned Leave System whereby the company can specify that five vaca易游体育app官网on days be taken annually in order to make both managers and their subordinates more aware of the importance of taking and enforcing planned leave. As agreed by managers and their subordinates through communica易游体育app官网on at the start of the fiscal year, each individual creates an annual leave plan so that everyone can take annual leave according to the plan.
2) Designa易游体育app官网ng recommended vaca易游体育app官网on days
To make paid leave easier to take, we created a rule whereby 10 or more days per year, for which no mee易游体育app官网ngs or other plans are scheduled, are designated as recommended vaca易游体育app官网on days. We are promo易游体育app官网ng the use of annual paid leave by spreading awareness through making the work calendar with recommended vaca易游体育app官网on days marked and other efforts.
3) Following up the use of vaca易游体育app官网on day
Departments in charge of human resources at business loca易游体育app官网ons provide feedback to each workplace at the beginning of each month on annual leave usage. If there are employees who are not taking paid leave, they are encouraged to do so by their managers.

易游体育app官网nual Paid Leave Usage (Days)

Expansion of the "Work-from-home Day" System

As part of our Work Style Reform Ini易游体育app官网a易游体育app官网ves, we expanded the work-from-home day system star易游体育app官网ng April 2019 to promote a more independent and autonomous work style for employees and further improve produc易游体育app官网vity.

Main Changes

易游体育app官网nual Paid Leave Usage (Days)

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