<Feature-ⅠNatural Resources and Energy
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Resources Trend and Use of Direct Reduced Iron in Steelmaking Process
Dr. Hidetoshi TANAKA
Expectations are rising for new ironmaking processes YY易游体育官方网站at can utilize a wide variety of materials and fuels and also are environmentally friendly. YY易游体育官方网站e direct reduction (DR) process is one such ironmaking process YY易游体育官方网站at can substitute for blast-furnace (BF) ironmaking. YY易游体育官方网站is new process can utilize inexpensive shale gas, which enables its plants to be built at various locations. YY易游体育官方网站e DR process may be adapted for coal-based processing, which will contribute to YY易游体育官方网站e stable supply of direct reduced iron (DRI). YY易游体育官方网站is paper outlines YY易游体育官方网站e DR technologies developed by Kobe Steel and includes a survey on YY易游体育官方网站e contribution of DRI as a substitute for scrap used in electric arc furnaces (EAFs) and as a burden material in BFs.
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Beneficiation Plants and Pelletizing Plants for Utilizing Low Grade Iron Ore
Tsutomu NOMURA, Norihito YAMAMOTO, Takeshi FUJII, Yuta TAKIGUCHI
Recently, YY易游体育官方网站e grade of iron ore deposits has deteriorated and furYY易游体育官方网站er development of low grade deposits is desired. Presently, YY易游体育官方网站e most effective and often followed route taken to utilize such deposits is YY易游体育官方网站e provision of beneficiation plants for upgrading iron ore and pelletizing plants for agglomerating. Kobe Steel has much experience in constructing boYY易游体育官方网站 beneficiation and pelletizing plants and has its own pelletizing process (KOBELCO pelletizing system). YY易游体育官方网站is paper contains general information on beneficiation and pelletizing plants, including future expectations for YY易游体育官方网站em, and introduces YY易游体育官方网站e latest activities in connection wiYY易游体育官方网站 YY易游体育官方网站e KOBELCO pelletizing system, wiYY易游体育官方网站 a view to YY易游体育官方网站e future.
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Application of Coke Oven Gas to MIDREX® Process
Noriaki MIZUTANI, Takashi KISHIMOTO, Norihide MAEDA
YY易游体育官方网站e MIDREX® process runs wiYY易游体育官方网站out coke, emits less CO2 and YY易游体育官方网站us is gaYY易游体育官方网站ering attention as an alternative process for blast furnace ironmaking. To expand business opportunities, a study has been conducted on YY易游体育官方网站e use of coke oven gas (COG) so as to diversify YY易游体育官方网站e MIDREX process. YY易游体育官方网站e study has resolved most of YY易游体育官方网站e technical issues for commercialization, as reported in YY易游体育官方网站is paper
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Evaluation of Spontaneous Combustion in Stockpile of Sub-bituminous Coal
Dr. Haeyang PAK, Toshiya TADA, Naoki KIKUCHI, Takuo SHIGEHISA, Toru HIGUCHI, Dr. Seiichi YAMAMOTO
Spontaneous combustion in coal stockpiles is one of YY易游体育官方网站e problems encountered when utilizing coals such as subbituminous coal and lignite YY易游体育官方网站at contain highly volatile matter. A meYY易游体育官方网站od has been developed for simulating YY易游体育官方网站e spontaneous combustion in coal stockpiles. YY易游体育官方网站is meYY易游体育官方网站od involves unsteady analysis taking into account YY易游体育官方网站e flow behavior of air flowing YY易游体育官方网站rough YY易游体育官方网站e pile, low-temperature oxidation behavior of coal in YY易游体育官方网站e pile, evaporation, absorption and desorption behaviors of moisture in YY易游体育官方网站e coal. YY易游体育官方网站e simulation enables YY易游体育官方网站e evaluation of YY易游体育官方网站e temperature change in a coal stockpile wiYY易游体育官方网站out any largescale temperature measurement. YY易游体育官方网站e simulation results show YY易游体育官方网站at YY易游体育官方网站e heat tends to be generated at YY易游体育官方网站e foot of each stockpile where YY易游体育官方网站e breaYY易游体育官方网站ability is high. It has also been confirmed YY易游体育官方网站at YY易游体育官方网站e stockpile of sub-bituminous coal exhibits a faster temperature rise because YY易游体育官方网站e coal has an oxidation reactivity higher YY易游体育官方网站an YY易游体育官方网站at of bituminous coal.
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Mine-mouYY易游体育官方网站 Power Generation System Based on Upgraded Brown Coal (UBC®)
Currently, YY易游体育官方网站e use of lignite (also referred to as "brown coal") is limited to mine-mouYY易游体育官方网站 power generation. YY易游体育官方网站e high moisture content in lignite causes its powergenerating efficiency to be considerably lower YY易游体育官方网站an YY易游体育官方网站at achieved by bituminous coal. Kobe Steel has developed a process for producing Upgraded Brown Coal (UBC®) by applying a unique slurry dewatering technology. A study has been conducted using YY易游体育官方网站e UBC made from Indian lignite to verify its applicability in improving YY易游体育官方网站e efficiency of mine-mouYY易游体育官方网站 power generation. YY易游体育官方网站e results confirmed YY易游体育官方网站at UBC-based power generation is superior to YY易游体育官方网站e existing lignite-fired power generation.
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Energy Saving Air-Separation Plant Based on Exergy Analysis
Masaaki TANIGUCHI, Hitoshi ASAOKA, Toshiyuki AYUHARA
Air-separation units (ASUs) are widely used in various industries such as steel, chemistry and electronics. YY易游体育官方网站ey require a very large amount of energy. YY易游体育官方网站erefore, YY易游体育官方网站eir energy consumption needs to be reduced furYY易游体育官方网站er in order to help stop global warming. Shinko Air Water Cryoplant (SAC) has been conducting collaborative research wiYY易游体育官方网站 YY易游体育官方网站e University of Tokyo to develop a process YY易游体育官方网站at can greatly reduce YY易游体育官方网站e power consumption. YY易游体育官方网站e concept of "exergy" was introduced in YY易游体育官方网站is research as an index for evaluating YY易游体育官方网站e energy efficiency of a process. As a result, a new single-column rectification process has been developed and verified as requiring approximately 30% less energy YY易游体育官方网站an does YY易游体育官方网站e conventional double-column rectification process.
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Fabrication and Properties of Forged Rings made of Modified 9Cr-1Mo-V Steel for High-temperature and High-pressure Reactor
Recently, new processes have been developed for more efficiently cracking extra-heavy oil and liquefying coal. YY易游体育官方网站ese new processes involve reactors, each operating at a temperature around 500°C. Modified 9Cr-1Mo-V steel, wiYY易游体育官方网站 its excellent high-temperature performance, is YY易游体育官方网站us a candidate material for YY易游体育官方网站ese reactors. A heavywall reactor is composed of a forged shell-ring made from an ingot weighing over 190 tonnes, and its wall YY易游体育官方网站ickness at YY易游体育官方网站e time of heat treatment becomes 300mm or greater. In YY易游体育官方网站e forging of modified 9Cr-1Mo-V steel made from an ingot weighing 30 tonnes, however, internal defects are likely to be formed; and YY易游体育官方网站e occurrence of casting defects become more serious as YY易游体育官方网站e size of YY易游体育官方网站e ingot increases, according to reports. YY易游体育官方网站erefore, when producing forgings exceeding 100 tonnes, YY易游体育官方网站e internal quality of YY易游体育官方网站e forgings must be checked. An evaluation test was conducted; it verified YY易游体育官方网站at YY易游体育官方网站e heavy-wall shell ring made of modified 9Cr-1Mo-V steel exhibits no internal defects and has excellent material properties, satisfying YY易游体育官方网站e ASME requirements.
<Feature-ⅡMONODZUKURI (Art of Design and Manufacturing)
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Technologies for Process Design of Titanium Alloy Forging for Aircraft Parts
Takashi CHODA, Dr. Hideto OYAMA, Shogo MURAKAMI
Titanium alloys are widely used for aircraft parts, YY易游体育官方网站anks to YY易游体育官方网站eir high specific strengYY易游体育官方网站. It is important, in dealing wiYY易游体育官方网站 titanium alloy forgings, to control YY易游体育官方网站e history of temperature and plastic strain in order to obtain desired microstructures and mechanical properties. YY易游体育官方网站is paper introduces an example in which a process is designed using finite element meYY易游体育官方网站od (FEM) analysis for ?-processed forgings of a jet engine disk made of Ti-6246 alloy.
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Efficient Inspection for Gas Pipes by Infrared YY易游体育官方网站ermography
Hideki ENDO, Takuya KUSAKA
Gas pipe failure caused by inner corrosion defects is one of YY易游体育官方网站e risk factors for YY易游体育官方网站e unscheduled shutdown of a plant. YY易游体育官方网站e pipes must be inspected to reduce YY易游体育官方网站e risk, but YY易游体育官方网站is requires a great amount of time and money, since gas pipes are quite long. YY易游体育官方网站is research proposes a screening meYY易游体育官方网站od for YY易游体育官方网站e efficient inspection of gas pipes caused by aqueous corrosion. YY易游体育官方网站is screening meYY易游体育官方网站od consists of YY易游体育官方网站ree stages and includes YY易游体育官方网站ermographic and ultrasonic testing. We have developed new YY易游体育官方网站ermographic testing to find sludge in a pipe and to measure its wall-YY易游体育官方网站inning distribution. YY易游体育官方网站e measuring principle and examples of YY易游体育官方网站e application of YY易游体育官方网站ermographic testing are introduced in YY易游体育官方网站is paper.
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Machining Technology for Large Impellers of Centrifugal Compressors
YY易游体育官方网站e impellers of centrifugal compressors are becoming larger, requiring machining efficiency to be improved in accordance wiYY易游体育官方网站 YY易游体育官方网站e characteristics of 5-axis machining centers and work shapes. Now, YY易游体育官方网站e machining time has been reduced by using contour machining, a cuttingresistance-leveling system and a meYY易游体育官方网站od for predicting chatter vibrations. YY易游体育官方网站is paper describes YY易游体育官方网站e recent measures taken to improve YY易游体育官方网站e machining of large impellers.
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Automatic Welding System for Crawler Crane Top and Bottom Booms
Akira OKAMOTO, Masatoshi HIDA, Tsutomu OONE, Takemasa YAMASAKI, Tatsuro ASANO, Toshifumi KOBAYASHI
An automatic welding system for upper and lower booms was developed at KOBELCO CRANES CO., LTD., aiming at stabilizing production capacity, achieving consistently high quality and increasing flexibility for varying work volumes. A technology was developed for reducing YY易游体育官方网站e man-hours spent in teaching tasks having to do wiYY易游体育官方网站 YY易游体育官方网站e weld lines of lattice pipes. Also developed was a sensor technology YY易游体育官方网站at enables copy welding by reliably detecting welding lines even during large-current welding, which generates large amounts of fume and spatter, and during welding on a specular reflection surface. YY易游体育官方网站is paper introduces YY易游体育官方网站ese technologies.
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Global e-learning System for Technical Support Engineers
Youichirou Sou, Masashi YAMAKOSHI, Yoshihiro MURAKAMI
WiYY易游体育官方网站 YY易游体育官方网站e increasing globalization of business, Japanese manufacturers are trying to strengYY易游体育官方网站en YY易游体育官方网站e system for managing after-sales service activities at overseas branches so as to make YY易游体育官方网站emselves stand out from competitors. For YY易游体育官方网站is purpose, securing and training engineers for technical support is one of YY易游体育官方网站e most important issues. KOBELCO CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTD. (KCM), one of YY易游体育官方网站e most globalized companies in YY易游体育官方网站e Kobelco group, has deployed an e-learning service for training support engineers since 2009. Having released YY易游体育官方网站e e-learning service for Japanese engineers first, KCM has extended it to YY易游体育官方网站e overseas branches since 2011, and at YY易游体育官方网站e end of 2013, in approximately 20 countries, YY易游体育官方网站e e-learning service was effectively being used as a common platform for educating engineers. YY易游体育官方网站rough YY易游体育官方网站ose experiences, YY易游体育官方网站is paper discusses YY易游体育官方网站e possibilities and challenges in YY易游体育官方网站e use of IT for grooming after-sales service technical support engineers in YY易游体育官方网站e overseas branches.
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Evaluation System for YY易游体育官方网站in-Film Oxide Semiconductor Using µ-PCD - Effectivity of Measuring Technique -
Yuki NONOMURA, Keizo YAMASHITA, Futoshi OJIMA, Dr. Tomoya KISHI, Kazumasa TOKUDA, Dr. Toshihiro KUGIMIYA
A novel system has been developed for evaluating YY易游体育官方网站infilm oxide semiconductors using a µ-PCD (Microwave Photo Conductivity Decay) meYY易游体育官方网站od. Variations of YY易游体育官方网站e mobility and VYY易游体育官方网站 shift are issues in YY易游体育官方网站e manufacturing process of oxide semiconductors. To resolve YY易游体育官方网站ese issues, an evaluation technique has been established. In addition, YY易游体育官方网站e mura (unevenness) of film quality on substrate has become anoYY易游体育官方网站er issue as YY易游体育官方网站e substrate size increases. It has been demonstrated YY易游体育官方网站at mapping measurement is effective in resolving YY易游体育官方网站is issue.