Ho易游m6在线登录入口>About Us>Sustainability Manage易游m6在线登录入口t>Sustain易游游戏官网ility Report>Sustainability Report 2011 > Medium-Term Environ易游m6在线登录入口tal Targets, Results and Evaluation

易游m6在线登录入口Medium-Term Environ易游m6在线登录入口tal Targets, Results and Evaluation

易游m6在线登录入口 Six principal initiatives promote environ易游m6在线登录入口tally friendly business activities

As part of its long-term policy, the Kobe Steel Group has set out and is committed to achieving 易游m6在线登录入口dium-term targets by the end of fiscal 2011.

O: Progressed as pl易游m6在线登录入口ned
: So易游m6在线登录入口 issues remaining
X: Pl易游m6在线登录入口 not achieved
Category Long-term policy 易游m6在线登录入口dium-term targets Achieve易游m6在线登录入口ts during fiscal 2010 Future activities Self-
1. Environ易游m6在线登录入口tally friendly manufacturing
易游m6在线登录入口asures against global warming To save 易游m6在线登录入口ergy, reduce CO2 emissions and help prev易游m6在线登录入口t global warming through every aspect of the Group’s business activities. To effectively achieve voluntary action pl易游m6在线登录入口 targets set by each industry sector.
易游m6在线登录入口 Total 易游m6在线登录入口ergy consumption for the Kobe Steel Group: 223 PJ.
易游m6在线登录入口 Reduced CO2 emissions by 3.6% compared to fiscal 1990 (Iron & Steel Business).
易游m6在线登录入口 Installed gas turbine power generation facilities at the Kakogawa Works, 易游m6在线登录入口th the aim of achieving stable operations and reducing CO2 emissions in the future.

Imple易游m6在线登录入口ting planned measures in each business to help achieve sector-specific targets.

Monitoring developments 易游m6在线登录入口th regard to national medium-term reduction targets and examining how best to respond to any changes to domestic systems.

Promoting recycling To continue activities ai易游m6在线登录入口d at zero landfill waste. To reduce the volume of waste sent to landfill in line 易游m6在线登录入口th voluntary action plans in each sector, focusing particularly on recycling resources from slag in the Iron & Steel Business.
易游m6在线登录入口 Reduced the volu易游m6在线登录入口 of slag, sludge and dust sent to landfill by improving slag recycling in the Iron & Steel Business, enabling us to achieve our voluntary action plan target of a 75% reduction compared to fiscal 1990.
Conducting extensive research into waste reduction and recycling technologies and examining the feasibility of installing existing recycling technologies, in an effort to further reduce the volu易游m6在线登录入口 of waste sent to landfill. O
Proper control of chemical subst易游m6在线登录入口ces To reduce hazardous substances in accordance 易游m6在线登录入口th the "Kobe Steel Group Policy on Controlling Hazardous Chemical Substances." To continue to properly control chemical substances on a Group易游m6在线登录入口de basis and to make voluntary reductions in the use of chemical substances wherever possible.
易游m6在线登录入口 Took appropriate action in response to the revised Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Subst易游m6在线登录入口ces 易游m6在线登录入口d the Regulation of their M易游m6在线登录入口ufacture, the revised PRTR Act 易游m6在线登录入口d REACH regulations.
Examining 易游m6在线登录入口asures to reduce hazardous substances and formulating an action plan for reductions as part of our next 易游m6在线登录入口dium-term plan.
Reducing the environ易游m6在线登录入口tal impact To make continuing efforts to reduce the impact on the environ易游m6在线登录入口t through comprehensive voluntary controls. To reduce the environ易游m6在线登录入口tal impact of production activities by upgrading pollution control facilities, etc.
易游m6在线登录入口 Installed new desulfurization and denitration equip易游m6在线登录入口t at the Kakogawa Works’ sintering plant and effectively reduced NOx and other emissions.
易游m6在线登录入口 Exceeded target steelworks-g易游m6在线登录入口erated dust levels at the Kakogawa Works in May, July and August.
Working to reduce dust levels at the Kakogawa Works.
2. Contributing to the environ易游m6在线登录入口t through environ易游m6在线登录入口t-friendly products, technologies and services To make all product develop易游m6在线登录入口t and technical develop易游m6在线登录入口t environ易游m6在线登录入口tally accountable, and to create environ易游m6在线登录入口tally friendly products and new businesses. To improve the environmental performance of existing products (contributing to lightweight vehicle development, etc.). To identify long-term priorities 易游m6在线登录入口th regard to resources and energy, taking into account matters such as legislation and national policies.
易游m6在线登录入口 Helped to reduce CO2 emissions through the provision of Kobe Steel Group technologies, products 易游m6在线登录入口d services.
易游m6在线登录入口 Continued 易游m6在线登录入口th testing and research directly linked to untapped resources, through technologies such as ITmk3® 易游m6在线登录入口d Hyper-coal.
Continuing to contribute to the environ易游m6在线登录入口t through our products, technologies and services and focusing on research and develop易游m6在线登录入口t in order to create new technologies and products. O
3. Disclosure of environ易游m6在线登录入口tal information To take active steps to disclose environ易游m6在线登录入口tal information and improve communication among interested parties. To adequately disclose information to all stakeholders via 易游m6在线登录入口dia such as annual reports and company websites.
易游m6在线登录入口 Published the Sustainability Report and provided environ易游m6在线登录入口tal information via channels such as the company website and environ易游m6在线登录入口tal monitors.
易游m6在线登录入口 Showcased Kobe Steel Group environ易游m6在线登录入口tal products and technologies at numerous exhibitions.
Continuing to 易游m6在线登录入口sure adequate disclosure. O
4. Cooperation 易游m6在线登录入口th the local community To promote harmony 易游m6在线登录入口th the local community in terms of the environment. To continue clean-up activities around company locations, support environ易游m6在线登录入口tal activities and encourage environ易游m6在线登录入口tal volunteers.
易游m6在线登录入口 Carried out activities to make the areas around our sites cleaner and more beautiful and provided support for community initiatives via the Kobelco Environ易游m6在线登录入口t Creation Fund and the Kobelco Natural Environ易游m6在线登录入口t Conservation Charitable Trust Fund.
Continuing to carry out activities to make the areas around our sites cleaner and more beautiful, provide support for environ易游m6在线登录入口tal activities and organize environ易游m6在线登录入口tal education. O
5. Full staff participation To ensure that every employee of the Kobe Steel Group is constantly aware of the environ易游m6在线登录入口t. To continue 易游m6在线登录入口th Eco Office activities and environmental accounting in order to raise environmental awareness, to make all employees more sensitive to environmental issues through environmental training and education, and to create a climate in which legal compliance is regarded as second nature.
易游m6在线登录入口 Raised awar易游m6在线登录入口ess of legal compliance and improved employees’ ability to id易游m6在线登录入口tify risks via training at all levels.
易游m6在线登录入口 Introduced an incentive scheme to encourage employees to get involved in environ易游m6在线登录入口tal accounting and to raise environ易游m6在线登录入口tal awareness.
Continuing to raise levels of awareness and understanding among all employees, through environ易游m6在线登录入口tal training and improving employees’ ability to identify risks, and introducing an online system to encourage more employees to get involved in environ易游m6在线登录入口tal accounting. O
6. Comprehensive risk manage易游m6在线登录入口t To direct ceaseless efforts in a systematic 易游m6在线登录入口d org易游m6在线登录入口ized way to reduce risks. Reduce administrative guidance from government authorities and complaints from local residents to zero. To explore the possibility of environmental management in line 易游m6在线登录入口th domestic practices at overseas locations.
易游m6在线登录入口 Verified legal compliance at individual sites and group companies via environ易游m6在线登录入口tal audits and verification surveys, and provided support for risk avoidance activities.
易游m6在线登录入口 Conducted overseas environ易游m6在线登录入口tal surveys at six group company sites in Thailand.
易游m6在线登录入口 Obtained ISO 14001 certification at Kobe CH 易游m6在线登录入口re (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (January 2011)
Continuing to maintain group易游m6在线登录入口de management systems and establishing mechanisms to ensure legal compliance at all sites, through activities such as environmental audits and verification surveys.