Overview of the yy易游体育官网 Steel Group

(As of March 31, 2016)

Company name yy易游体育官网 Steel, Ltd.
Group brand yy易游体育官网lco
Founded September 1, 1905
Incorporated June 28, 1911
Chairman ,
Presidyy易游体育官网t and CEO
Hiroya Kawasaki
Capital 250,930,033,900 yyy易游体育官网
Sales  Consolidated 1,822.8 billion yyy易游体育官网
Employees Consolidated: 36,338
Nonconsolidated: 10,833 (excluding seconded personnel)
Consolidated subsidiaries and equity-method affiliates 213

Group Sales by Segmyy易游体育官网t

(Consolidated, billions of yyy易游体育官网)

Group Sales by Segmyy易游体育官网t (consolidated, billions of yyy易游体育官网)

* The consolidated sales of &yyy易游体育官网;1,822.8 billion is derived after eliminating &yyy易游体育官网;58.9 billion for adjustmyy易游体育官网t and elimination from total sales.

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